Are you worried that you may have sleep apnea or insomnia?
Find out today. Start here. Take our quick and easy sleep screener to begin your diagnosis and treatment journey with our New Jersey based specialists.
Take Free Sleep Screener
Schedule a same-day video visit with a Board-Certified BlueSleep Specialist in New Jersey.
A BlueSleep Sleep Specialist will review your sleep questionnaire and discuss your sleep problem, and may recommend a home sleep test which is required for insurance to pay for sleep apnea treatment.
Book a visit
Take a 3-night, FDA-approved, Home Sleep Test to diagnose Sleep Apnea.
After your 1st video visit, your New Jersey BlueSleep Specialist may recommend a home sleep test that diagnoses Sleep Apnea; measures blood oxygen levels; tracks your heart rate; and estimates sleep time. It's covered by insurance and required by insurers to cover CPAP or Oral Device treatment for Sleep Apnea.
Discuss your home sleep test results with your New Jersey BlueSleep Specialist.
Learn about your blood oxygen levels and the number of times you stopped breathing at night. Depending on the results, you may be diagnosed with mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea.

Start Sleep Apnea Treatment with CPAP or an Oral Device.
Get an FDA-approved, custom-made Oral Device for Sleep Apnea or a CPAP - delivered to your home in New Jersey. Based on your test results and sleep history, BlueSleep will recommend the best treatment for your sleep problem.